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Our expertise has been featured in leading publications and conferences.

At Durable Programming, we’re proud to have our knowledge and experience recognized in various industry-leading outlets. Our team members have contributed to books, articles, and presentations that showcase our deep understanding of software development and maintenance.


  • Dr. Dobb’s Journal
  • ADMIN Magazine
  • Linux Pro Magazine
  • IBM DeveloperWorks
  • PHP International Magazine


  • Practical Ruby Gems, by David Berube.
  • Practical Reporting with Ruby on Rails, by David Berube.
  • Practical Rails Plugins, co-authored by David Berube and Nick Plante.


  • International PHP Conference: We’ll be presenting two talks at the upcoming conference in Munich, Germany (November 11-15, 2024).

These appearances in respected publications and at major conferences demonstrate our commitment to sharing knowledge and contributing to the broader software development community. They also reflect our ongoing dedication to staying at the forefront of technology trends and best practices.

Our experience and expertise, as showcased in these venues, directly benefit our clients. We bring this depth of knowledge to every project, ensuring that we deliver cutting-edge, efficient, and durable software solutions.

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