
Product Development

Rapidly build and test your product idea

Got a new idea for a product?

We can help you with that.

Any product that needs a manual to work is broken.
— Peter Drucker

As our name implies, we want to build software that lasts - and build lasting relationships with the organizations we work with. Many development companies are happy to do anything as long as they get paid - and while that’s understandable, there’s more to making good software than just writing lines of code and closing trouble tickets.

A truly good software partner can work with you - sharing experience so that you can make informed decisions. We believe in proper planning - and for us, that means forseeing potential and discussing problems as soon as possible.

Of course, that isn’t always practical. Market conditions change; new information becomes available. That’s why we focus on tech stacks which are practical and flexible - so you can shift directions without becoming mired in technical debt and wasting money.

We know how rewarding a successful tech startup can be - and how challenging and uncertain it can be. Even in the best circumstance, there are a lot of uncertain factors - but we can keep those to a minimum with solid, experienced technical work.

We are passionate about software - but not just the technical aspects. We’re passionate about creating software that helps people, that is useful, that is profitable, and that works well. We have no interest in cranking out low quality clones of existing sites, doing the same work over and over again - like some studios do. We want to help create high quality experiences - experiences that are both a business success and truly enjoyable for the end-user.

A great idea deserves a great technical partner.

What is an MVP?

An MVP is a version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future development. It’s a term that’s picked up traction for a very good reason. A quality MVP allows you to:

  • Test your core product hypothesis
  • Gather user feedback early in the development process
  • Minimize initial development costs
  • Get to market faster

Our MVP Development Process

  1. Idea Validation: We work with you to refine your product concept and identify the core features needed for an MVP.

  2. Planning: We create a development roadmap, focusing on the essential features that will demonstrate your product’s value proposition.

  3. Rapid Development: With our blend of hard work and skill, we quickly build a functional prototype of your product.

  4. Testing: We help you set up user testing to gather valuable feedback from your target audience.

  5. Iteration: Based on user feedback, we refine and improve the MVP, preparing it for wider release or further development.

Process Chart

An product from us can scale as big as you can imagine.

Why Choose Durable Programming for Your MVP?

  • Experience: We’ve helped numerous startups and established companies launch successful MVPs across various industries.
  • Cost-effective: Our efficient development process helps you minimize initial investment while maximizing learning.
  • Scalability: We build MVPs with growth in mind, ensuring they can be easily expanded as your product evolves.
  • Technology Expertise: Our team is proficient in a wide range of technologies, allowing us to choose the best tools for your specific needs.

Ready to Build Your MVP?

Don’t let your great idea remain just an idea. Contact Durable Programming today to discuss how we can help you bring your product to life with an MVP.

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