
Modern Content Management Systems

Blazing fast websites with flexible content management

Website performance is critical. Slow-loading pages frustrate users and harm search engine rankings. Fortunately, we can help - by leveraging cutting-edge technologies to build content management systems (CMS), you get the best possible result: lightning-fast performance without sacrificing flexibility.

The Power of Static Site Generation

Modern static site generation allow us to build incredibly fast websites. Here’s why:

  • Timeshifting: Regular content management systems build responses in realtime. They may cache some data, but they often still need to do a significant amount of work per request. With static site generation, this work is done ahead of time - meaning that your users receive much faster performance.
  • Optimization: Time is critical when your customers are waiting - but it’s less critical when you’re site is preparing to deploy. Therefore, static site generation can do additional prep work during the build phase, further reducing the load time.
  • Easy Testing: By simplifying deployment, setting up staging and dev environments becomes much easier. Every change can be automatically checked for performance using a real web browser - meaning that you won’t be blindsided by accidental changes tanking your homepage performance.

These advantages are not theoretical; they have real-world business advantages:

  • Blazing fast load times: Static sites serve pre-rendered HTML, resulting in near-instantaneous page loads.
  • Improved SEO: Search engines love fast-loading sites with static content.
  • Enhanced Security: With no dynamic server-side processing, there’s a reduced attack surface.
  • Lower Hosting Costs: Static sites are cheap and easy to host, often on global CDNs.

Combining Static and Dynamic for the Best of Both Worlds

While static sites offer unparalleled speed, not all problems can be solved with static site generation. We excel at creating hybrid solutions that combine:

  1. A static frontend generated by tools like AstroJS or Hugo
  2. A dynamic backend powered by frameworks like Ruby on Rails

This approach offers several advantages:

  • Blazing Fast Public Pages: Your content pages load instantly from a global CDN.
  • Dynamic Functionality Where Needed: User accounts, e-commerce, and other interactive features are handled by the backend.
  • Flexible Content Management: Editors can update content through a familiar CMS interface, triggering automatic rebuilds of the static site.
  • API-Driven Architecture: The backend serves as an API for both the static site generator and any dynamic frontend components.

We can help you:

  • Migrate from a traditional CMS to a modern, high-performance solution
  • Optimize your existing static + dynamic setup
  • Implement a content API that serves both your website and mobile apps
  • Set up automated deployment pipelines for instant content updates

The Result: The Fastest Possible Websites

By leveraging static site generation for content pages and a powerful backend for dynamic features, we create websites that are:

  • Incredibly fast, with sub-second load times
  • Highly scalable, able to handle traffic spikes with ease
  • Easy to manage for content editors
  • Flexible enough to support complex business requirements

Let’s discuss how we can revolutionize your web presence with a modern, high-performance content management solution. Contact us today to learn more about our approach to building the fastest possible websites for your business.