Cloud-to-Cloud Migration Services

Are you looking to move your applications and data from one cloud platform to another? Durable Programming can help make your cloud-to-cloud migration a seamless and stress-free process. Our experienced team has the expertise to navigate the complexities of migrating between major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Assessment and Planning

We start by thoroughly evaluating your current cloud environment, including application dependencies, data storage, network configurations, and security requirements. Based on this assessment, we develop a comprehensive migration plan that minimizes downtime and risk.

Data Migration

Moving large volumes of data between cloud platforms can be time-consuming and prone to errors if not handled correctly. We use proven tools and techniques to securely and efficiently transfer your data, whether it resides in databases, object storage, or other repositories.

Testing and Validation

Before cutting over to the new cloud environment, we rigorously test your migrated applications and data to verify everything works as expected. This includes functional testing, performance testing, and disaster recovery simulations to ensure a smooth transition.

Optimization and Cost Management

Once your workloads are running on the new cloud platform, we optimize them to take full advantage of available resources and services. We also implement cost monitoring and control measures to keep your cloud spending predictable and under budget.

Application Refactoring

To ensure your applications take full advantage of the target cloud platform’s features and services, we refactor your codebase as needed. This may involve modifying APIs, updating libraries, or re-architecting certain components to leverage cloud-native technologies.


Different cloud platforms offer varying pricing models and discounts. Moving to a more cost-effective provider can significantly reduce your cloud spending.

Better features & services:

Cloud providers are constantly innovating and adding new offerings. Migrating to a platform with capabilities that better align with your needs can improve performance and productivity.

Avoiding vendor lock-in:

 Diversifying your cloud infrastructure across multiple providers mitigates the risks of relying on a single vendor for all your cloud needs.

How Durable Programming Simplifies Cloud-to-Cloud Migration

Why Migrate to a New Cloud Provider?

There are several reasons why companies choose to switch cloud providers:

The Durable Difference

Migrating between cloud providers is a complex undertaking with many moving parts. Durable Programming has the knowledge and experience to handle your migration efficiently while minimizing disruption to your operations.

Our cloud agnostic approach means we choose the best mix of services across cloud providers; you aren’t locked into a single vendor. And with our flexible engagment model, you can ramp up or down support as needed through the migration process.

Ready to get started with cloud-to-cloud migration?

Schedule a free consultation with our team to discuss your goals and challenges. We’ll provide a customized migration plan and project quote to get your applications running smoothly on their new cloud platform, so you can focus on your business.

Let us fix that problem for you.

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