Customer Service

Excellent customer service can make or break a company in today’s competitive landscape. Customers expect fast, helpful support across multiple channels. Meeting those expectations efficiently is key to retaining customers and growing your business.

That’s where Durable Programming comes in. We specialize in developing custom customer service software solutions using open source technologies. By leveraging tools like Ruby on Rails, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB, we can build robust customer service platforms tailored to your company’s unique needs and workflows.

Open source customer service solutions offer several advantages over expensive proprietary software:

Lower costs

Avoid hefty licensing fees by using free, open source frameworks and libraries. You only pay for the custom development.


Open source software can be extensively customized to match your company’s processes, integrate with existing systems, and scale as you grow. You aren’t locked into a vendor’s limited feature set.

Full ownership

With open source, you maintain full ownership and control of the codebase. No more relying on a vendor’s update schedule and priorities.


Popular open source projects have large developer communities continuously building new add-ons, plugins and integrations you can leverage.

Durable Programming can help you make the most of these benefits. Our expert developers will work closely with your team to understand your requirements and design an optimal solution. Typical features we can implement include: 

  • Omnichannel support portal unifying email, chat, phone, social media interactions
  • Intelligent routing and escalation to get customers to the right agents quickly
  • Integrated knowledge base for instant answers to common questions
  • Automation tools to handle repetitive queries and streamline agent workflows
  • Advanced analytics and reporting to track KPIs and identify areas for improvement
  • CRM integration to unify customer data and interaction history

Best of all, your custom open source solution will yield significant cost savings compared to off-the-shelf enterprise customer service platforms. Those savings can be reinvested into your support team and other growth initiatives.

Don’t let clunky, overpriced software hold back your customer service. Contact Durable Programming today to discuss how we can apply open source technologies to take your support to the next level. Increased customer satisfaction and retention awaits.

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