PHP is a programming language that has been around for almost 20 years. You’ve probably interacted with it in some form or another – it powers many of the biggest websites in the world, including sites like Facebook and Twitter.

PHP has a really active community and a rich ecosystem, so there are tons of modules and frameworks that you can use with PHP. We’re big fans of Laravel, although there are plenty of other options.

Using PHP with MySQL? We can work with that; we’ve got excellent inhouse MySQL skills, but we can also make your PHP app work with PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle, and many others. If you need to optimize your page speed, re-architect your schema, or connect your PHP site to a new data source or an outside API, we’ve got you covered. 

We’ve done work with a wide variety of PHP projects, from high-performance customer-facing applications to low-frequency background processes. Of course, PHP is notorious for potential performance issues – but we’ve also solved performance problems in PHP systems, including  high-volume transactional systems. We can help with a wide range of PHP projects.

Old app? No problem. We can work with any version of PHP that you might have – while there’s a lot of good reasons to upgrade, including security, performance, and maintainability, our experience let’s you keep mission critical systems running and even adding features while an upgrade project is ongoing.  

Case Study: SaaS, PHP, and Out of Memory Errors.

A rapidly growing SaaS company had a flagship PHP app which was inexplicably running out of memory, leading to outages. During a single onsite visit, we were able to locate the problem as the database driver – which was using more memory than expected due to a bug in a SQL query combined with some unexpected memory management behavior in the driver. In a matter of hours, we were able to add just a few lines of code which stopped the memory bloat and the ensuing crashes. 

Write Once, Run Anywhere. Apps built on PHP can be dockerized, run on Nix, can run serverless, can run on just about any cloud, and can run on k8s. If it’s on the web, it can probably host a PHP app.

The Most Popular Language. According to, PHP is the most popular language on the internet. 22.09% of the world’s top one million websites run on PHP, beating out (10.76%), Rails (6.47%), and Java (5.69%).

Let us fix that problem for you.