Yii Framework

Is your Yii application starting to show its age?

Finding it hard to keep up with the latest Yii versions? 

Struggling with bugs or performance issues?

Don’t worry – Durable Programming is here to help!

Breathing New Life into Legacy Yii Apps

Yii is a PHP web framework that has been around for over a decade. It has some good ideas, but also some idiosyncratic behavior which may surprise developers accustomed to other frameworks. With time, some older Yii applications can start to feel outdated and become harder to maintain over time.That’s where we come in. At Durable Programming, we specialize in revitalizing legacy Yii applications. Our team of experienced PHP developers can help you:

Upgrade to the latest Yii version

Identify and fix performance bottlenecks

Refactor code for better maintainability

Integrate with modern
libraries and tools

Enhance security
& fix vulnerabilities

With our help, your Yii application can feel brand new again – without the cost and risk of a full rebuild.

Yii Expertise You Can Count On

When it comes to Yii, we know our stuff. Whether you’re running Yii 1.1 or Yii 2.0, we can provide the expert support you need to keep your application running smoothly. We can also help you migrate from Yii 1.1 to Yii 2.0 to take advantage of the latest features and improvements.

Tailored Yii Solutions

Every Yii application is unique, and we treat it that way. We’ll take the time to understand your specific needs and challenges, then develop a customized maintenance plan to fit your goals and budget.Maybe you just need a quick performance tune-up. Or maybe you’re looking for ongoing support and incremental improvements. Either way, we’re here to help.

Get Started with Yii Maintenance Today

Don’t let your legacy Yii application hold you back. With Durable Programming’s maintenance services, you can enjoy all the benefits of a modern, high-performing application – without starting from scratch.Ready to get started? Contact us today to discuss your Yii maintenance needs. We’ll be happy to provide a free consultation and quote. Let’s work together to make your Yii application better than ever!

Let us fix that problem for you.