Are you experiencing lost data with your MySQL-backed website?

Do you have data stuck in your MySQL database,
but it’s hard or impossible to retrieve in the form you want?

Is your database slower than you’d like?

Fear not – Durable Programming, LLC fixes broken MySQL databases.

We work with MySQL on a daily basis, and we can work with any version of MySQL, from anywhere from 4.0 to the current version. Whether you have ten tables or ten thousand, we can help you out.

We love MySQL for its ease of use and its extensive documentation. We have developed several high-performance applications using MySQL over the years, and we also use it internally for a wide variety of uses. It’s a great platform, with great support from the community.

Of course, for many applications, MySQL doesn’t stand alone. It’s often paired with a programming language like Ruby or PHP – and rest assured, we have experience with that too. MySQL is fast, but it does struggle with some workloads – so it’s often paired with a key value store, like Memcached or Redis. We have experience with those, too.

Durable in Print.

Check out this article on handling MySQL Upgrades by Durable Programming’s David Berube: “MySQL upgrade obstacles: Stumbling Blocks” ‐ ADMIN magazine, issue 80/2024

Did You Know…

Our founder, David Berube, used MySQL as a backend in his very first magazine article, “Databases & Dynamic Ruby Classes”. It was published in Dr Dobb’s Journal, December 2004.

More Connected Than You’d Think:

Although often paired with Open Source frameworks like Laravel or Ruby on Rails, MySQL is in fact compatible with a very wide range of software, including proprietary platforms.

Not Just Vanilla…

Just like ice cream, Open Source software is known for coming in a wide variety of “flavors” – and MySQL is no exception. Many database solutions use MySQL as a backend. For example, the original developer of MySQL, Monty Widenius, has been supporting a fork called MariaDB – and it’s gained quite a bit of support in some quarters. We are quite fond of a distribution called Percona Server; they’ve done a great job of pulling together patches from companies like Google and Facebook into a superior version of MySQL – while still being compatible with standard (or “vanilla”, if you prefer) MySQL, so it’s an easy transition.

Let us fix that problem for you.